Recent Developments, Policy Consequences, and Plans for Future Studies on Latino Offenders and the Criminal Justice System


  • Sahra Batool Khan Lecturer of University of Haripur


In recent years, there has been a large increase in the Latino population, which has resulted in a significant amount of curiosity among academics, legislators, and the general public studying the voting habits and shopping preferences of this demographic. There is still a lack of consensus among experts on whether the growth of the Latino population is affecting changes in the criminal justice system or whether it is contributing to an increase in violent crime by contributing to the expansion of the Latino population. The purpose of this study is to evaluate and investigate the current state of the criminal justice system in relation to the Latino population. More specifically, the research will focus on highlighting and investigating the discrepancies that exist in terms of incarceration and punishment depending on racial and ethnic background. The consequences of Latino population concentration on homicide rates on a national and regional scale are the subject of an investigation that is being carried out. In order to accomplish this, we make use of victimisation data that is provided by the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention and is classified according to racial and ethnic categories. Our negative binomial multivariate analysis reveals that there is a persistent association between the expansion of the Latino population and the fall in homicide victimisation rates across all geographic areas and racial and ethnic groupings. This correlation continues to exist even though the Latino population is growing. The ultimate evaluation of this study will be based on the manner in which the findings of this study have the potential to impact the course of following investigations to be conducted in this area.

Keywords:  Latinos Police Statistics Murder




How to Cite

Sahra Batool Khan. (2024). Recent Developments, Policy Consequences, and Plans for Future Studies on Latino Offenders and the Criminal Justice System . Social Sciences & Humanity Research Review, 1(2), 25–33. Retrieved from