Social Sciences & Humanity Research Review 2024-05-11T13:58:02+03:00 Dr. Ali Khan Open Journal Systems <p>Social Sciences &amp; Humanity Research Review (SSHRR) is a distinguished peer-reviewed journal dedicated to sharing top-tier research across the wide spectrum of social sciences and humanities. With a commitment to scholarly exchange and interdisciplinary dialogue, SSHRR provides a vibrant platform for academics, researchers, and practitioners to present original work, critical analyses, and review papers.</p> Exploring Rural Areas via the Lens of Critical Criminology 2024-05-11T13:06:00+03:00 Nousheen Alam Amna Awan <p>Throughout the 1970s, the academic field of critical criminology was known by a variety of names, including new criminology and radical criminology, according to DeKeseredy and Perry (2006). Other names for this field include Platt (1975), Lynch, Michalowski, and Groves (2000), and Taylor, Walton, and Young (1973, 1975). The designations that Platt, Lynch, and Groves assigned to the field of study are as follows. <br>In the context of this article, the term "critical criminology" refers to an interdisciplinary framework that places a significant emphasis on the socioeconomic complexities of racism, class, and patriarchy as major triggers for criminal activity at the same time. The first of these three sociocultural processes is the one that will be taken into consideration in this essay. The concept that forceful counselling sessions, tighter legislation, and longer prison terms are effective means of addressing the underlying causes of criminal behaviour is another one that is debunked by critical criminology. Conversely, advocates of critical criminology say that considerable alterations ought to be undertaken to the cultural and structural features of society so as to lessen criminal activity and advance ideals of social justice.</p> <p><strong>Keywords- </strong>Rural Areas &amp; Lens of Critical Criminology</p> 2023-06-30T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Social Sciences & Humanity Research Review Issues Arising from Urban Housing Development: Challenges in Town Planning 2024-05-11T13:12:20+03:00 Wajeeha Iqbal Amna Ali <p>The relationship between the availability of land for residential construction and the rules and regulations that govern urban planning has been the subject of a substantial number of academic study. Despite the fact that a large number of people are of the opinion that municipal planning has frequently been a barrier to the construction of new dwellings, the findings of these research give data that contradicts this perception. In the real estate market, there is a widespread misunderstanding regarding the relationship between the number of prospective buyers and the actual number of residences that are available for purchase. One possible explanation for the occurrence of this gap is that there are limitations placed on the rate at which the costs associated with the construction of residential units can increase. As a result of the decision made by the government to delegate the responsibility of resolving housing requirements to the private sector, local planning agencies and planners are now required to carry out obligations relating to home construction with a greater degree of prudence. The objective of this paper is to conduct an analysis of a number of significant urban planning challenges that are associated with the complexities of residential property development in West Malaysia. Face-to-face interviews were done with a representative sample of home contractors in order to acquire the data that was needed for this study. In order to carry out the factor analysis, SPSS was utilised. The findings of the study suggest that it is possible to establish a direct connection between the characteristics of development plans and development control and a number of features of town planning. When it comes to the distribution of land for residential development, the authorization procedure for layout plans, and the compliance with planning standards, these issues are explained in a clear and concise manner.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Problems with town planning, housing developers, and growth</p> 2023-06-30T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Social Sciences & Humanity Research Review Recent Developments, Policy Consequences, and Plans for Future Studies on Latino Offenders and the Criminal Justice System 2024-05-11T13:35:13+03:00 Sahra Batool Khan <p>In recent years, there has been a large increase in the Latino population, which has resulted in a significant amount of curiosity among academics, legislators, and the general public studying the voting habits and shopping preferences of this demographic. There is still a lack of consensus among experts on whether the growth of the Latino population is affecting changes in the criminal justice system or whether it is contributing to an increase in violent crime by contributing to the expansion of the Latino population. The purpose of this study is to evaluate and investigate the current state of the criminal justice system in relation to the Latino population. More specifically, the research will focus on highlighting and investigating the discrepancies that exist in terms of incarceration and punishment depending on racial and ethnic background. The consequences of Latino population concentration on homicide rates on a national and regional scale are the subject of an investigation that is being carried out. In order to accomplish this, we make use of victimisation data that is provided by the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention and is classified according to racial and ethnic categories. Our negative binomial multivariate analysis reveals that there is a persistent association between the expansion of the Latino population and the fall in homicide victimisation rates across all geographic areas and racial and ethnic groupings. This correlation continues to exist even though the Latino population is growing. The ultimate evaluation of this study will be based on the manner in which the findings of this study have the potential to impact the course of following investigations to be conducted in this area.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>&nbsp;Latinos Police Statistics Murder</p> 2024-05-11T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Social Sciences & Humanity Research Review Artistic and Performing Medicine: significant developments that have contributed to the advancement of arts medicine 2024-05-11T13:48:22+03:00 Alam khan <p>In the past ten years, there have been three significant developments that have contributed to the advancement of arts medicine. These developments include the improvement of diagnostic and therapeutic techniques, the recognition of the unique challenges that artists face as a result of their occupation and lifestyle, and the development of health programmes that give priority to a multidisciplinary approach for these individuals. As a consequence of the factors that were discussed before, the discipline of arts medicine has made significant progress. The prevalent disease patterns that affect performing artists, such as vocalists, actors, instrumentalists, and dancers, are the subject of our investigation. In addition to this, we evaluate a number of therapeutic strategies that a medical team might use in order to assist these affected individuals. When it comes to illnesses, performers are prone to a wide variety of conditions, including those that have been mentioned in the past. The importance of having a comprehensive understanding of the factors that played a role in the lives of these individuals cannot be overstated. Long periods of intense practice, intense competition, high levels of anxiety connected with performance, careers that are uncertain, and early exposure to high demands of perfection are some of the elements that contribute to this. In spite of the fact that artists have a disproportionately high prevalence of sickness and physical weakness, a sizeable part of them choose to ignore the signs that could potentially cause them harm. In this article, we discuss a wide range of conditions that may affect artists, including neurological, musculoskeletal, vocal, and psychological diseases. In addition to this, we discuss the potential complications that may arise during the treatment of particular disorders. The utilisation of a cautious treatment plan, collaboration with educators, proactive injury prevention, and the utilisation of psychological tactics are all methods that are advised. Within the United States of America, as well as in a number of other famous locations across the world, there are medical training programmes that are offered in the field of professional consulting arts. In spite of the fact that the body of academic literature about the provision of health care services to performing artists is growing, there is still a need for additional research in this area.</p> 2024-05-11T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Social Sciences & Humanity Research Review Students of Mass Communication and Journalism in Pakistan, rely on online Platforms for Both Personal and Professional Development 2024-05-11T13:58:02+03:00 Ahsan Zia Uddin <p>In tandem with the growing utilisation of social media and new media platforms as ways of communication, the prevalence of citizen journalism is also on the rise. There has been a significant amount of research conducted to investigate the capabilities of social and new media platforms in terms of personal communication and self-exploration. On the other hand, there is a dearth of research that investigates the ways in which students who are studying public communication and media interact with one another on these platforms. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence that using social media has on their self-perception as well as their interactions with other people (interpersonal relationships). Within the context of a data collection effort, a survey was carried out among undergraduate students who are currently enrolled at Lead City University and Ajayi Crowther University in the state of Oyo. The research sample consisted of one hundred fifty individuals who each took part in the survey. A questionnaire was given to each individual participant, in which they were asked about their personal usage of social media, the extent to which they communicate with their family and friends, and the influence that social media has on their sense of self-worth. This study sought to determine whether or not respondents made use of social media for the purpose of personal contact. According to the findings of the poll, almost all first-year college students make use of various social networking platforms. <br><strong>Keywords- </strong>Students Mass communication Journalism, Pakistan, Professional Development</p> 2023-06-30T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Social Sciences & Humanity Research Review