"The Impact of Pakistan and Iran’s Foreign Policies on U.S. Strategic Interests and Global Security"


  • Arslan Mehmood


Pakistan and Iran's overseas actions affect US strategic interests and global security. Pakistan and Iran, two of the region's most powerful powers, use different techniques to attain their goals. Because they are in separate countries, have different histories, and have different national interests. Pakistan, a nuclear power, is strategically placed between South Asia and the Middle East. Pakistan must balance its relationship with the US, growing alliance with China, and constant conflict with India. Pakistan plays all these responsibilities simultaneously. Iran's foreign policy, fuelled by ideological hostility, regional hegemonic ambitions, and proxy warfare, challenges US supremacy in the Middle East. Iran's foreign policy directly challenges the US.




How to Cite

Arslan Mehmood. (2025). "The Impact of Pakistan and Iran’s Foreign Policies on U.S. Strategic Interests and Global Security". Social Sciences & Humanity Research Review, 3(1), 152–174. Retrieved from https://jssr.online/index.php/4/article/view/69