Decipherment of Occidental and Oriental Mysticism: A Comparative study of William Blake and Khawaja Ghulam Farid’s poetry


  • Neelam Butt, Mobeen Ahmed Khan, Dr. Najia Almas, Ikram Ullah



Mysticism, Sufism, Wahdat, Transcendentalism, Spirituality


This study converses the notion and discernment of mystic concept in the works William Blake as occidental poet and Khawaja Ghulam Farid as Oriental. Mysticism is considered the journey towards transcendentalism while unveiling the occult riddle of truth or wisdom. Experiences regarding mystic approaches are pondered as quirky for every individual. Yet we find, through our analysis that there is an obvious closeness amidst the proficiencies of spiritualists and this closeness is not bound of any race or ethnicity rather expanded to multiple social fabrics and religious beliefs. Regardless to born in diverse sections of the world they looked to share a divine kinship. William Blake’s work, yet mostly sacred in respect of imagery, is decisive in style and scope. However, in Sub continental Islamic mystic notion, Farid gives a context in which there is a vivid existence of blend of higher authority of the teaching of Holy Quran, metaphysical approach of kafees, the ragnees, secret of the “wahdat” and theoretical canons of Sufism. This paper through an in-depth analysis of the works of Blake and Farid concludes that both the poets showcased a versatile juxtaposition of occult jargon. It further uncovers their mastery of art and oeuvre that is unique in its kind which pushes off the socio-religious anxieties and chauvinistic affectations away.



2024-12-19 — Updated on 2024-10-10


How to Cite

Neelam Butt, Mobeen Ahmed Khan, Dr. Najia Almas, Ikram Ullah. (2024). Decipherment of Occidental and Oriental Mysticism: A Comparative study of William Blake and Khawaja Ghulam Farid’s poetry. Social Sciences & Humanity Research Review, 2(4), 189–203. (Original work published December 19, 2024)