Students of Mass Communication and Journalism in Pakistan, rely on online Platforms for Both Personal and Professional Development


  • Ahsan Zia Uddin MS Scholar Deportment of Education KKKUK


In tandem with the growing utilisation of social media and new media platforms as ways of communication, the prevalence of citizen journalism is also on the rise. There has been a significant amount of research conducted to investigate the capabilities of social and new media platforms in terms of personal communication and self-exploration. On the other hand, there is a dearth of research that investigates the ways in which students who are studying public communication and media interact with one another on these platforms. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence that using social media has on their self-perception as well as their interactions with other people (interpersonal relationships). Within the context of a data collection effort, a survey was carried out among undergraduate students who are currently enrolled at Lead City University and Ajayi Crowther University in the state of Oyo. The research sample consisted of one hundred fifty individuals who each took part in the survey. A questionnaire was given to each individual participant, in which they were asked about their personal usage of social media, the extent to which they communicate with their family and friends, and the influence that social media has on their sense of self-worth. This study sought to determine whether or not respondents made use of social media for the purpose of personal contact. According to the findings of the poll, almost all first-year college students make use of various social networking platforms.
Keywords- Students Mass communication Journalism, Pakistan, Professional Development




How to Cite

Ahsan Zia Uddin. (2023). Students of Mass Communication and Journalism in Pakistan, rely on online Platforms for Both Personal and Professional Development. Social Sciences & Humanity Research Review, 1(2), 49–56. Retrieved from